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"Getting Past Getting Lucky" is available in digital or paper versions
Get either version from Amazon.com by clicking here.
Get either version from Amazon.com by clicking here.
Download the digital version of "Civitas Island - The Birth of Hope"
The Kindle version can be downloaded to your Kindle or other electronic reader that runs Kindle software. Get it from Amazon.com by clicking here.
Order the paperback edition of "Civitas Island - The Birth of Hope"
Order the paperback or Kindle ebook versions of "Virtually Yours, Jonathan Newman" from Amazon
Click here for the paperback or Kindle editions of VYJN from Amazon.
The Kindle edition is available for just $2.99!
The Kindle edition is available for just $2.99!
Get the audiobook version of "Virtually Yours, Jonathan Newman"
Prefer listening to your books? To get the audiobook version of the novel read by the author complete with music and sound effects -
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just click here.